Homebuyer Assistance

HUD Approved Counseling Agencies

All homebuyers must attend an 8-hour homebuyer education course through a HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency located within Arizona, and obtain a certificate of completion. The homebuyer education course may be in-person or on-line.

Approved Online Courses

You will find in-person Homebuyer Education Courses by clicking on the link below.

HUD Approved Agencies in Arizona

Maricopa County IDA

Coffelt-Lamoreaux, LLC $25,000,000 Bonds Issued

Affordable Housing

Coffelt-Lamoreaux, LLC is using $25,000,000 in Maricopa IDA bonds as part of its $44,000,000 renovation of the historically significant Coffelt-Lamoreaux Public Housing Development located southwest of downtown Phoenix.

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