Banner Health $460,875,000
This financing assisted Banner Health to pay for costs associated with (1) the renovation of medical office space for outpatient clinical institutes in the Banner — University Medical Center Phoenix, located at 1111 East McDowell Road, Phoenix, Arizona, which focuses on neurosciences, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, women’s health, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disease, digestive disease, and lung disease, and (2) construction of a new 204-bed patient tower at the Banner — University Medical Center Tucson – Main Campus, located at 1501 N. Campbell Avenue in Tucson, Arizona, for the enlargement of diagnostic imaging, cardiac catheterization and interventional radiology labs, cafeteria, central utility plant, support departments, construction of 17 new operating rooms, 2 procedure rooms, prep/recovery spaces and other facility enhancements, along with the expansion of the Banner—University Medical Center Tucson – North Campus which will consist of the construction of a multispecialty health center to house specialty clinics that will be relocated from the Tucson Main Campus, relocation of radiation/oncology vaults, a new campus entry and a parking structure.